News from Brett Toombs

Director of Boarding

End of the school year

The end of school for St Augustine’s and St Monica’s students is Friday, 24 November. This is an eight-week term and like all other terms, all students are expected to be in class until the final day. 


Mrs See Kee and Mr Carswell are preparing departures with Abstudy for our First Nations students who will be travelling home during the last week of term. The last day of term is a travel day for boarders who travel long distances home by air or road. However, weekly boarders must  be at school on the final day. This is most important, and full attendance in boarding until the final day is part of our boarding culture.


Students with a valid reason to depart school earlier must submit a Request for Student Absence form to their respective heads of year for approval by the College Principal.


I take this opportunity to request that flight itineraries for travel home be forwarded to respective heads of residence before the term ends to facilitate transport arrangements.


Transition and Orientation Day

We look forward to welcoming our new Year 7, 2024 students into the boarding program in Week 7, as students will travel to Cairns to participate in our First Nations Day on Wednesday 15 November and then for Orientation Day for all Year 7s on Thursday 16 November.


Free weekend

The next free weekend in boarding is at the end of Week 6. Students who have organised the weekend out of boarding need to submit a leave request in REACH and have this approved by their parents or carers and their Head of Residence.


Students staying in will enjoy the day at Sugarworld Waterpark on Saturday 11 November.


Saturday outings

The boarding community has enjoyed a variety of outings and activities over the past few weeks, but particularly the water-themed activities in Week 3. 


This weekend, we anticipate an engaging Saturday excursion to Nandroya Falls, where we will hike to the swimming area beneath a stunning waterfall. A delicious barbecue lunch will complement the day, ensuring an enjoyable outing for all. We look forward to another two weekend outings before the end of term.