School News

Cyber Safety Families Information Session
November 9, 2023 6:30-7:30pm
We would like to invite all parents, carers along with their children to a Cyber Safety information session which will be held in the school Hall (OSHC room) on 9 November at 6:30pm. The session will be run by Cybersafe Families, an Adelaide Hills provider endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner, to share the latest research and best practice approaches to online safety education for families. The evening session will provide parents and carers with strategies to help make home environments cyber-safe. All Cybersafe Families presentations are delivered by professionals in the field, who have an understanding that all children are at different stages in their online journey.
We think that this will be a great opportunity for parents and children to discuss safety together in a supportive environment. The evening cost is $5/person. Please pay and confirm your place via Flexi Schools (see details below) or alternatively contact Sara or Tracey in the office.
Thank you to Governing Council for supporting this important initiative!
Harvest Table
We are setting up the school harvest table again! Do you have any excess produce or homemade goods you'd be willing to donate, eg lemons, fruit, vegetables, herbs, jams, pickles? We will be selling these at the harvest table inside the double glass doors in the main building, and hopefully on display to purchase at the Willow Cafe on assembly Fridays. Please leave your donated items in the staffroom. Thank you!
Waste Free Wednesdays
As we found out at last week's assembly, it was Alex's 4/5 class that won term 3's Waste Free Wednesday Competition. Congratulations!
All classes did a great job, and thanks to the Green Team who helped keep track of the scores each week. Here are the overall scores for each class' waste free lunch boxes:
Alex's class: 93% waste free
Sam's class: 88% waste free
Kelly's class: 77% waste free
Stephens class: 74% waste free
Katie's class: 66% waste free
Sallies class: 64% waste free
Alex's class have won themselves a pizza lunch which they got to help make and enjoy today!
We would like to thank all the families for participating in Waste Free Wednesday. We hope this helped you ditch some single-use items out of the lunch box and find ways to be waste-free all week. UPS will continue with initiatives to reduce the amount of waste at school!"
We thank you for your support!
The Green Team
Hi all, we’ve had another fun few months of OSHC and are gearing up for the end of the year! Please be aware that we will run vacation care for a week after the close of Term 4. We then usually close for around three weeks, depending on the layout of the 2024 calendar and staffing availability. I will announce official dates of closure soon. As usual, we will run at least two weeks in the January period, directly before Term 1, 2024.
We’ve also had a few new faces at OSHC recently, so I’ve put together this little guide to introducour new OSHC staff. Have a look to get to know the amazing Oshcies at our service.
Thanks, Andrew!
Dogs at school
Many schools don't allow dogs on their grounds. At Uraidla Primary School we love welcoming dogs but we are also very mindful of keeping everyone safe and comfortable. We are aware that many children and adults feel nervous around dogs. We ask that if you bring a dog onto the school grounds you keep to the oval side of the paths and asphalt areas, so children and adults can pass from a distance and approach safely if they would like to greet your dog. We also feel this is better for the dogs so they don't get overwhelmed and startled by the loud noises, fast-moving children and large numbers of people. Please always keep your dog on a lead in and around the school grounds including the carpark area by the town oval where there are often small children. Thank you for your consideration which allows us to continue welcoming dogs to Uraidla Primary. 🐶🙂
Catastrophic fire danger days
Our school has detailed plans in place to keep your child safe in the event of a bushfire:
- On catastrophic fire danger days in the Mount Lofty Ranges fire ban district our school will be closed and no one is permitted on site. Whilst our school’s bushfire risk rating is R3 (medium to low risk), we are in close proximity to a nearby R2 (very high risk) school.
- If a catastrophic fire danger day is forecast, we will inform you of a closure after 4pm the day before.
- If the CFS upgrade the fire danger rating to catastrophic on the day, our school will remain open for the remainder of that day. This is in line with the Department’s processes and allows us to more easily manage communication with parents and caregivers in the event that a closure of the school is recommended by the department.
- We practise Bushfire drills with the students every Term 1 and 4 so that students are prepared in case of an emergency. Our Bushfire Shelter is in the school Hall (OSHC room and library) in the main building.
- We also practise communication with families through text messaging system in case we need to contact the whole school community in case of an emergency, and we are unable to send a SeeSaw message due to the internet being down. It is very important for this reason that we have the most up-to-date mobile phone number for your family at all times. You can expect a trial message in the coming weeks.
We encourage you to read the Department’s Bushfire and your child’s school or preschool brochure for more information on school closures and how we will act if threatened by a bushfire. Search ‘bushfire information’ at .
CHECK: Covid measures
Here are the current recommendations from the Department for Education:
COVID safe measures
- All students and staff must stay home if unwell, even mildly. If students become unwell at school, we are unable to care for them here and we will be contacting you to collect them asap. Please have a plan in place for someone who can collect your child within a half hour.
- We still need to record all cases of COVID; please let us know asap if your child tests positive by either RAT or PCR test.
- We will be maximising ventilation by leaving doors/windows open, using air conditioning and fans, and keeping doors and windows open.
- Adults will practise physical distancing where possible.
- We will continue to practise and promote hand and respiratory hygiene. Hand sanitiser will be provided for regular use, and disposable masks.
- Students who have tested positive to Covid must stay home for 5 days from the date of the test. They can then return to school as long as they are free of symptoms. We ask siblings of students who have tested positive to wear a mask at school if they are able, to reduce the chance of infection.
Face masks
- Adults and children in Years 3-6 can choose to wear masks inside, to minimise the risk of infection; we are now leaving this up to individual discretion.
- If there is a known case in the family of a child in any class, we are encouraging the adults and children in that class to all wear masks during the infectious period.
Pick up and drop off
- In the morning please continue to drop children off at one of the entrances to the school grounds, and allow them to make their own way to their classrooms. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please make contact through the SeeSaw app.
- We are now welcoming families to come into the yard at the end of the day. Please come into the school grounds to wait rather than waiting in the roadway, for child safety. Thank you!