A message from Margie

We had a wonderful camp week to finish off the last week of term: the Year 2-5 students attended the Mylor Adventure Camp, the Reception and Year 1s had a day camp visit to Mylor and the Year 6 students had a week in the Flinders Ranges. The Year 6s continued their adventure at an overnight Aquatics camp this week too!
I always love seeing the different sides of kids on camp- their vulnerability, bravery, resilience and kindness towards others to name a few- and this camp was no exception.
We are very grateful for the parents who generously gave up their time and work commitments (and sleep!) to accompany us on camp: Tom Wildy, Pip McGowan, Min Johansen, Belinda Wauchope, Alister Walsh, Paul Koay, Ian Bourne, Kate Griffiths, Darren Bond, Jo Cox, Megan Tucker and Tim Moore. We think you are Uraidla Primary legends!
We had overwhelmingly positive comments from the camp staff at Mylor and Pichi Richi venues about our students. They were very impressed with the way our students worked together to complete challenges, the way they encouraged one another and that they were so engaged and well-mannered. Both camps said they'd love to have us back and encouraged us to book again. Well done Uraidla Primary! 😊
New mini libraries
Next time you come to the front of the school, take a moment to admire our new mini street libraries, which we installed in recognition of Di Badenoch's contribution to a shared love of reading at our school.
We invite all members of the community to 'take a book and leave a book'. Don't worry if you don't have one to leave on any given day; go ahead and take a book and you can leave one there another time. And it's free! There is one library for children and one for adults, so please check first to see which is the best option to leave your books.
Thank you to students from Sallie's Year 5/6 class who did such a brilliant job decorating the libraries. Can you spot Di in her Port Power shirt?
Plans for 2024
We continue to grow in numbers, and next year we will need to add an additional class. This means we will have 7 classes next year: Reception, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4/5 and Year 5/6. The only space for our new class is in the Hall. We're sad to lose this space which we've enjoyed for so many varied purposes. This will affect OSHC the most but already Andrew is making plans for how we will adapt. I'm sure we will all get used to it in no time.
Placing students into classes is pretty straightforward this year. Besides the new Receptions, we only have the Year 5 students to place into classes, since the others will be in straight year levels. If you have a child in Year 4 this year, and there is anything you would like me to take into consideration when placing your child into a Year 5 class for next year, please send me an email by next Friday, November 3 to margie.sarre187@schools.sa.edu.au with the subject heading "Class placement".
AGM invitation
On Monday, December 4th we will be holding our Governing Council Annual General Meeting in the staff room. We will be nominating for new Governing Council members and electing positions for 2024. All are most welcome to attend.
Terrific Kids
A heartfelt congratulations to our 2 Kiwanis Terrific Kids for last term, Ethan Cox and Willow Heathfield! Everyone at Uraidla Primary School thinks you are terrific kids!
Welcome Kirrily!
Our new Pastoral Care Worker Kirrily Munyard started last week and we are already really really enjoying working with her. Here is a bit of information about Kirrily. Please make yourself known to her when you see her as she is keen to meet all the students and their families! 🙂
Hi Uraidla Primary! A bit about me – I live on a beautiful small property in Nairne where I
love to sit out in the garden, play music and dance around the house, hang out with my housemates, and bake yummy desserts. I spend some of my time at Mylor Adventure camp where I work in the kitchen, and I’m also a singer/songwriter, it’s not often you’ll find me without music on! I love camping, beach trips, hiking, adventures, and spending time with my friends and family. I love listening to people’s stories, getting to know them, and doing my best at helping and supporting them. I’ll be working on Tuesdays and Fridays this term and will be around for school drop off and pick up if you want to meet me and have a chat! Thanks! Kirrily
Uraidla Show
We're all looking forward to the Uraidla Show next Sunday 5 November, when the students will perform on the back of the Big Truck stage. Details have been sent via SeeSaw. Classes are also finishing their class art items and I'm sure many of you are busily preparing your Show entries! Luckily we will have a School Closure the following day on Monday 6 November for us all to recover.
Have a wonderful fortnight, everyone!