From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard


There have been several experiences in the last few weeks for the girls in relation to leadership development.


Firstly, as part of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools, Loreto College hosted a ‘Women in STEM’ afternoon for students from girls’ schools across Adelaide. Our six women panellists had all graduated from girls’ schools in Adelaide before embarking on their STEM careers. This included Loreto Old Scholar, Elena Casciano, who post-school completed a Bachelor of Information Technology, majoring in Software Engineering and a minor in Multimedia and Design. Elena is currently the Senior Manager Information, Technology, and Governance at the City of Playford. Other speakers included a structural and a civil engineer, a PhD student in Marine Biology and Chemistry, SA Government’s Chief Information Officer, and a medical geneticist. It was a fantastic for the girls to hear from such a diverse range of women who had embarked on STEM careers. Each of the panellists conveyed their triumphs as well as challenges and gave the girls great advice such as ‘be strong’, ‘find your voice and use it’, and ‘just do it!’


This week all students from Reception to Year 12 came together to celebrate the transition of our 2023 to 2024 student Executive Leadership Team. It was an event with mixed emotions, as our current Year 12 leaders handed over the baton to the incoming Year 11 girls and officially finished in their leadership positions. Our Year 12 Leaders have been beautiful role models to the girls across the whole school, they have led with grace, enthusiasm, and a little bit of dancing! I have thoroughly loved working with the girls in our roles in ensuring Loreto is a happy and inclusive school where everyone feels a sense of belonging and each girl is loved and cared for as part of one family. Thank you girls for inspiring me in my leadership!


Dr Nicole Archard
