Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Writer's Festival Launch

What a Wonderful World!

Was the theme of this year’s Writer’s Festival which was launched at our Monday Assembly this week. 

Congratulations to our students for the remarkable writing that they have produced. The students have written about all the things that make the world a special place to be, from plants to animals, to places, to lollies.


Also, a big thank you to the teachers for working together to guide the students with their writing and for setting up the displays in the main building. The hallway looks amazing – the displays are colourful and inviting.


When you visit you will see some famous places, different habitats and a very special friendship tree. You will be able to read descriptive reports, recounts and information reports.


Please take the time to peruse each year level display as each is interesting and unique.

After the assembly, a selected student from each year level and their family members made their way to the staffroom where the students shared their writing pieces with the visitors followed by the cutting of the Writers’ Festival cake.

Refurbishment of the Foundation Toilet Block

Earlier in 2022, our school was the successful recipient of a grant for $415,600 for the refurbishment of the student toilets in the main building. After much waiting, planning with the Victorian Schools Building Authority (VSBA), the Architect (Ed Ewers)  and the building company Ascot, works began on the Foundation toilet block at the start of Term 3 and was completed in the Term 3 holiday break.


What a difference these works have made. The toilets are now modern, clean and bright!!

The refurbishment of the Year 5 /6 toilet block started in the last holiday break and will be completed before the end of the year. 





Student Attitude to School Survey 2023

Earlier this year, our Year 4 to Year 6 students completed the on-line Attitude to School survey.

The Student Attitude to School Survey asks students to respond to questions in the domains of:

  1. Effective Teacher Practice
  2. Emotional and Relational Engagement 
  3. Individual and Social Wellbeing 
  4. Learner Characteristics and Dispositions 
  5. Not Experiencing Bullying
  6. Not Experiencing Racism 
  7. Physical and Mental Health
  8. School Safety
  9. Social Engagement
  10. Teacher – Student Relations

Our students positive responses were above results in every domain except for one when compared to our:

  • Local network of schools
  • Similar schools like ours across the State
  • All schools in Victoria

This is a truly remarkable achievement!


This indicates our students are really happy to come to school, they understand attendance is important, they have friends at school and feel they belong and are accepted, they are challenged, motivated  and enjoy their learning, they feel safe, the school manages bullying well, their perception of their physical health is good, they are resilient and they can self regulate.


If you would like to access more detailed results of the survey for our school, please go to the following link.



Do you have a child who will be a Foundation student in 2024? Have you enrolled him/ her yet? If not, please do so immediately by phoning the school office or dropping in to complete the enrolment form.


Also if your child is not returning to Greenvale Primary School in 2024 (excluding Year 6's), can you please call the office 9333 2500.




Food for Thought








Angelika Ireland