MC News

NSW Minister’s Award for Excellence


We are proud to announce that a GIHS staff member was recently presented a NSW Minister’s Award for Excellence at Sydney Town Hall. After an evaluation by the Public Education Foundation, Miss Ross was recognised for aligning her classroom practice to the Australian teaching standard on individual-centred learning.  She has proven commitment to differentiating tasks according to student interest and skill, fostering self-awareness and metacognition. Creating a non-threatening classroom environment has led to reduced incidents among previously behaviourally challenged students.


I’d like to take this opportunity to recognise SLSO Michael Minogue for his enduring effort, role-modelling and relationship-building with both MC and mainstream students. It takes time and more than one person to effect positive change in young people, and he, plus our Head Teacher and Wellbeing team play an integral role.


Thank you to the staff who nominated me and the (busy) executive who contributed to it with their valuable time. I know there are many people here and elsewhere, who also deserve awards, and encourage students, staff and families to nominate the people who gain your respect in our local community and region.  


Finally, congratulations to my students who have trusted me, stepped up to more responsibilities, and accepted other support services and positive relationships offered to them. They help me love my job and teach me too.

- Miss Kate Ross


“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” 

– Albert Einstein



Egyptian Banquet 

MC 1 and 2 classes have been studying Ancient Egypt for History and celebrated the end of term with an Egyptian Banquet.  Students created costumes and enjoyed an Egyptian-themed food platter.  Many different foods were sampled such as sardines, goat's cheese, olives, dried figs and dates, pickled onions, garlic, and hummus.  We were very pleased with the mature attitude most students displayed trying different foods and fully participating in the event.