Year 12 Charity Day

As the academic year came to a close, Year 12 students celebrated their final day at school in style with an epic Muck Up Day filled with activities, fun, and plenty of laughter. On this memorable day, our seniors made the most of their last moments on campus, creating lifelong memories for teachers and students alike. 



As an extra layer of humor on the day, our Year 12 students put their creative thinking to the test by organising an auction of our teachers' favourite or precious items to help raise funds for Hellie's Christmas Drive. Empty bins were placed in very creative locations as if they fell from the sky. Hallways were transformed into barricades of balloons, toilet paper, and plastic, making a maze throughout the school.  These pranks were nothing short of genius. The result? Plenty of laughter and memorable stories for the years to come. With the watchful eye of their Year Advisors Mrs. Moor and Mr. Elliott the students ensured classes could run as per normal.

The highlight of the day was the year 12 gauntlet, filled with water sports, tyre jumps, a balance segment and a crawl pit. The emphasis was on fun and camaraderie, rather than winning.