Assistant Principal's Report
End of Term 3: Report
Year 12 VCE Practice Exams
Students completing Unit 3 and 4 VCE exams will be required to sit practice exams during the holidays. Attendance at these exams is compulsory and will be used by teachers to help authenticate student work. Exams will commence on Monday 18th September, and a timetable is posted on Compass. If you have any questions please contact Grace Terdich Director of Senior School.
Attendance: Being on Time
The school is strengthening our focus on attendance and punctuality, and all members of our community play a role in supporting students to be on time to school every day. Research shows that high attendance is one of the most crucial factors in ensuring student success. As well as attending school every day, it is critical we teach students to be on time for all their classes.
Being on time matters because:
- It ensures students are prepared for learning and sets them up for success.
- When students are late it disrupts their learning, the teacher’s teaching and the learning of others. Being on time shows students have respect for other people and that they care about other people’s time as much as their own
- It demonstrates that students are diligent and dependable and care about their learning
- It sets a good example to others
- It prepares students for success in the real world
Our attendance target is 90% for every student every day. Students and families to find out attendance percentages, talk to your Year Level leader or look at your last Semester report. Are you above 90%?
If families need support regarding attendance, please reach out to the relevant Year level Leader for a meeting, so we can discuss the supports that can be put in place to strengthen attendance and punctuality.
School Uniform
A reminder that from next term, all students are required to wear the Summer uniform- including blazers when travelling to and from school. Outside of excursions and formal occasions, school ties are optional, however, if students choose to wear them during the school day, the knot must be worn at the collar.
It is a good idea to try on each of the uniform items over the holidays just in case you need to purchase any new pieces from PSW Cheltenham. Our school Uniform Policy is written and endorsed by our School Council. The expectation is that every student wears their uniform correctly as it is a symbol of the high expectations held at South Oakleigh College. The vast majority of students wear their uniform perfectly every day and it really looks fantastic. It is also a way we show pride in our school and that we are a member of this unique and quite special community.
Laptop Orders 2024
Students looking to purchase a new device for 2024 may do so by accessing the link provided below. The link will take you directly to the ordering platform.
The portal also acts as a collection service allowing families to either pay for the device in full or by making contributions at their convenience.
Families who place and purchase orders by Monday 20 November will be contacted in the last two weeks of Term 4 to collect their laptops (dependent upon the supplier). Orders placed and paid post-November 20 will be available in Term 1.
Sun Smart, Hay Fever and Asthma
Students should wear their College cap and sunscreen when participating in outdoor activities—including PE classes—to minimize the risk of skin cancer.
Students need to be in the right headspace to focus on their studies—itchy eyes, constant sneezing and a dry throat make it difficult for students to work to the best of their ability and maximise their learning. If your child suffers from hay fever, please help them by providing an anti-histamine.
During grass pollen season there is an increase in asthma and hay fever symptoms and the chance of an epidemic thunderstorm asthma event. Those at increased risk of epidemic thunderstorm asthma include people with asthma, a past history of asthma, undiagnosed asthma (those who have asthma symptoms but have not yet been diagnosed) and people with hay fever who may or may not have asthma. Having both asthma and hay fever, as well as poor control and self-management of asthma, increases the risk.
If your child suffers from asthma it is important that a current asthma action plan be developed with your medical team and that this information is forwarded to the College.
Mark Picone & Anthony Katsianos
Assistant Principals