Community News
Apply to be a homestay family for international students
We are seeking homestay families living in our local school community for students travelling here from overseas.
Homestays are more than just a room to sleep, they offer the safety, security and welcoming environment of a real family.
Homestay families go through strict screening and monitoring processes by the Department of Education. New homestay providers would participate in an interview with school representatives, as well as regular home visits by a school representative. Every member of a homestay household over the age of 18 years of age would also need to obtain a Working with Children’s Check card.
Homestay providers receive payment.
For more information on how to become a homestay provider, click here: Become a Homestay Family (
If you would be interested in becoming a homestay provider for our school, please send your expression of interest to
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A secondhand textbook trading system
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- Assistance is provided to accurately price items
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- Exactly the right items to buy
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- Buyers contact Sellers and arrange where and when to trade
- Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided: 1300 683 337