Careers News 

End of Term 3: Career News 

As VTAC applications opened for Year 12s SOC was able to invite a number of Universities, TAFEs and an Apprenticeship/Traineeship group to the school for our annual South Oakleigh Expo.  

This was a great opportunity for not only Year 12s to speak directly to the institutions they might be interested in applying to, but for Year 10 and 11 students to start thinking ahead and collecting information about prerequisites, subject selection and opportunities post-Year 12. 


Students who were curious about pursuing an apprenticeship or traineeship were able to speak to a representative from Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre and these conversations with Group Training Organisations are often a great place to start.  Listed below are a few other useful tips to consider when finding an Australian apprenticeship or traineeship.

  • Start with work experience.  Many employers would like to see that their applicants have some experience in the industry and have an understanding of the different tasks involved in the job. This will also help students determine whether this line of work is really something they can see themselves committing to.
  • Look into booking a white card course.  A white card is a requirement to enter onto a construction job site.  These courses can be completed in a single day with a minimum age requirement of 14 years old. 
  • In some industries it will be important to have a driver’s license, especially if you will be working on different job sites, preparing for this early could help you stand out in your application. 
  • Look into registering with Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers and Group Training Organisations (GTOs).  They can help connect you with local employers within your industry, they also are a good place to look up vacancies and opportunities. 
  • Use your own connections.  Reach out to family and friends who work in the industry.  This is often the best way to secure work experience placements and learn more about the job and the industry. 

Work Experience Feature 

Name: Stefan Krozian ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­  Year Level: 10 

What industry did you work in for your work experience placement?

I worked at Hughesdale Primary School

What were the tasks you completed as part of your work experience placement?

I corrected the students' work, assisted the students when they needed help, and tidied up the classroom.

What were your favourite tasks that you were required to do? Why?

Assisting the students when needed as I created good bonds with them and got to know some of the students. 

What is something that surprised you about your placement?

It was more difficult to settle some of the kids down when they were misbehaving, before that I didn’t think it was so hard to do 

Do you think would enjoy doing further work in this industry?


What is something you took away from your work experience placement?

Working as a primary school teacher with kids and a lot of adults is a very enjoyable job as you get to watch the kids bro and be a part of their learning journey 









Aviva Mulloy

Careers Advisor