The Syndal Stars focus for this week is “Being Inclusive”. As part of our school value of Care, students know that being inclusive both in the playground and in our learning areas is very important and part of being a good friend. 


In Foundation, before we go outside for snack and lunch we choose the friends we would like to play with. We invite others to play our game and when coming inside we reflect on our outside activities. We celebrate kindness and address any issues or concerns and as a team. 


In Year 1 and 2 we have had a number of new students join our classes so students have been practicing making our new students feel welcome by including them in our games at playtime and making sure they have someone to play with as well as helping them know where things are and helping with class routines. 


In Year 3 and 4, students have worked together to complete challenging teamwork tasks on Phillip Island Camp. We all made sure that students felt supported to try new things and encouraged self belief and having a go. Students were fantastic at including others, especially those who were feeling unsure when trying new things. 

In Year 5 and 6, students demonstrated the school values of being inclusive during lit circle discussions.