Principal's Message

Good afternoon and welcome to the first newsletter for the last term!
As always the time just seems to rush by, in particular for our year 12 students!
The end of their time at school is fast approaching. Many of our year 12 VM students have already completed their work requirements and are just finishing off their VET subjects now.
The year 12 students who are 'looking forward' to their exams are using their 'precious' time in class, studying and revising in preparation. The English exam (always the biggest because every student in the state, must do English) is on Tuesday 24th October. Some of our students have already completed an exam: The Theatre studies group have been to Traralgon, the Languages students have completed their oral exams, plus some of the music performance exams have already occurred.
On another topic: During the first day of this term, all staff had the opportunity to visit Krowathunkooloong, The Keeping Place. The feedback was that is was a fabulous experience. Some staff have been several times and it was nice to refresh and see new pieces and stories. Some staff have never been or are 'brand new' and appreciated the learning that occurred.
Term 4 gets really busy – so please be very aware of events and dates that are coming. Please take a look at the upcoming events section of the newsletter for key dates.
The change from the 2023 timetable into the 2024 timetable is significant. This is our HEADSTART program, and the time when all students in the College move to the next year level. The current Year 7 students begin their year 8 classes and so on. This is setting up the next year, identifying any changes that need to occur, presenting the new senior students with their holiday homework etc. This has worked very well in the past, and we make tiny adjustments to improve each year, to ensure that it is successful again. (If your child is currently in year 11 – then be aware of the upcoming study camp dates.)
Something to ponder: What was the last thing that you 'really mucked up'? But, more importantly – what did you learn from it?
Thanks for reading. Always happy to chat – just make an appointment.
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal