Icarus Community Report

Welcome to the Icarus Community


Welcome back to Term 4! We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing holiday break. We also welcome new families who have commenced at Aitken Hill Primary School this term. It has been a busy start to Term 4, with students participating in our Science Discovery Dome incursion and getting straight back into learning for our last term of the year. We are looking forward to some much nicer weather this term and sharing all our learning with you!


Welcome Ritu and Thank You Aliya


This term we welcome Ritu to the Icarus Community who will be teaching in 34D. We are looking forward to working with her this term.


We would also like to thank Aliya for her hard work and dedication to the Icarus Community this year and we wish her all the best as she embarks on the next chapter of her career.




In Reading students have been developing their skills of monitoring and self-correcting as they read by utilising strategies such as: using context clues, asking questions, checking for pictures and using your imagination. Students have also learned how to identify the main idea by using facts from the text. They explored how to summarise non-fiction texts using who, what, where, when, why and how and fiction texts using somebody wanted but so then.





The Icarus students were busy writing creative stories, based on a provided picture prompt. Firstly, they have planned their narrative around a problem and a solution. Then, students were encouraged to use an interesting orientation and ending to their story. They learned how to include dialogues and exclude the boring parts in their stories. 




In maths, students have been learning about Money. They are learning to recognise the Australian coins and notes and continued to practice their problem-solving skills by solving worded problems that required them to add up different amounts and calculate how much change they would receive if they did not have the exact amount of money on hand. They have also been learning to identify fractions of shapes and collections.  





In Social and Emotional Learning, students have been learning to identify and share some of the different interests that make up their identity. They explored the differences and similarities between students in the class by playing theHuman bingo’ game and shared their thoughts to develop their understanding about our similarities and differences. Students enjoyed sharing something new they learned about other students in the class. They were able to understand and appreciate that it is important to respect differences between people. Students used an identity wheel to share their interests, strengths, things they like to learn and sports they play to be active.




This term in Inquiry, students will be exploring the question 'How can I be an active citizen?'. Throughout this topic, students will learn the importance of rules and distinguish between a rule and a law. They will explore democracy as rule by the people through decision making within communities. They also will describe how people participate and contribute to their communities. 


Friendly Reminders

  • Please ensure your child has a water bottle at school each day and that it is labelled with their name. 
  • Please ensure your child is attending school regularly and on time as ‘It is not okay to be away’.
  • Please ensure that your child is reading their home reader for 20 minutes every night and that their reading log is filled in and signed by a parent/guardian. Students are welcome to either read a book from school or a book of their own choice from home.
  • We strongly encourage students bring along some brain food (fruit and vegetables) that they may eat in class. It is important that this is included as an additional snack in their lunchbox.