Performing Arts

Performing Arts Highlights


Year 3-6 Dance Showcase

Firstly, a big congratulations to our Year 3-6 students for performing their routines at the Dance Showcase last term. It was amazing to see all your hard work shine through. We appreciate all the support from staff, parents and guardians towards making it a success and event to remember. 


Year Prep 

The Achilles and Xenica communities have been developing a basic understanding of the music elements of beat, pitch and dynamics. They will be using their listening skills to identify different sounds, their voice to match the pitch and volume, creative movement and instruments to keep a steady beat. 



Year 1/2

The Argus, Luna and Ulysses communities have been learning to respond to different sections of music (verse and chorus). They will be developing their ability to sing loudly and softly, create movement and play the instruments to match the parts of the song.



Year 3/4 

The Apollo and Icarus communities have started to compose a rhythm chart using known rhythms from their previous learning using taa, ti-ti and zaa. Students will perform their rhythm charts for the class using percussion and melodic instruments. 



Year 5/6 

The Monarch community is learning to recognise how music can communicate different moods, feelings and situations. They will be exploring movement, vocal and/or instrument sound effects to represent scenes and imagery. 


Emily & Dana 

Performing Arts Teachers