Library News 

COHR Library- Frogs made by Prep, One and Two students


Book Week 

Book Week Parade 

Excitement was certainly in the courtyard, Hall and classroom activities last week celebrating all things books!  Colour, characters, captions.

THANK YOU to all students who dressed up as a book character. What creative and imaginative students we have.  Either with a full on costume or accessories to highlight the book character or a 'fun' take on a book, it all contributed to a FANTASTIC parade on Friday.  Many thanks to parents and families that supported our parade, either by being able to attend or helping at home with getting the costume ready.  Your support is appreciated. 

3\4 H
3\4 H


Book Week Storytime - Did you snuggle up and listen to Storytime last week?  If not the links are still available if you scroll back through Flexischools.  Apologies but we forgot to post the 'guess the reader' storytime, it's coming!  It's been a bit crazy with concert!



Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations on a successful completion of the 2023 Premier's Reading Challenge.  We had 68% of our students meet the challenge and they read a total of 4465 books.  Special mention to Liesel in 5\6 G that read an amazing 79 books.  Very impressive.

Certificates will arrive in Term 4 and be given out at an school assembly.


STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

Most of the Book Week books are ready for you to read together.

COHR has a subscription for Storybox Library for all our families to enjoy.

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Access Storybox Library on your Smart TV and enjoy listening to stories on your big screen!

 Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.

Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020


We look forward to continuing to read the many books we have in our library!

Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling