
During week six of term three, Healesville High School celebrated Science Week. The Science Department ran lunchtime activities everyday, engaging students in various experiments and practical activities that captured the interest of all involved.


Some of the activities included:

- Tea bag rockets

- Egg drop constructions

- Static electricity and the Van der Graaff Generator

- Fake blood and flesh wound creations

- A Science themed morning tea


Thank you to all of the dedicated staff that volunteered their time to have fun with our students and spark an interest in some of the scientific concepts underpinning these activities.



Within science classes, students have been exploring many concepts including Earth, Space, Habitat, Energy and many more. However, our Year 10 STEM class has been working on something a little different. As a form of problem solving task, they have have been making a Rube Goldberg Machine, which will have six steps to complete a goal. The class has been split into two teams: Lemon and Minors. The goal for team Lemon is to make a bowl of cereal, so they need to pour the milk and CocoPops into the bowl. The goal for team Minors is to take a group photo. Each team has successfully constructed a frame for their machine and are now working on putting together the different parts to make their machines work. Lots of trial and error has occured in perfecting parts of the machine. The students are very hopeful that their machines will be able to successfully complete the task.