Art Factory 

The last few weeks have been a busy time in the Art Factory.


On Friday 8th of September, Healesville High School ran an 'Art Exhibition Preparation Day'. Many of our students from a variety of year levels participated in workshops in the Art Factory and used their time to contribute artwork to the space. These workshops were instigated to help support our upcoming Healesville High School Art Exhibition on Friday 13th of October.


In addition, on Monday 11th of September, HICCI representatives were invited to the school to receive a gift created by students in the Art Factory. This gift was provided to thank them for the donation HICCI provided to help make this program possible.


Our Year 7 students also contributed to the Art Factory, participating in an 'Art Day' on Thursday September 13th to finish off term three, and our regular Art Factory sessions have also continued to flourish and provide a great opportunity for students to socialise and create.


Below is an article written about the Art Factory project: