Outdoor Education

There have been some great Outdoor Education experiences happening at Healesville High School over the past few weeks. Year 11 students completed their Murrindindi Camp which replaced the Lake Mountain camp that had been cancelled due to weather conditons. Although there was some snow early in the season, the usual August snow is become less regular as we experience the effects of climate change on the outdoor environment. 

The students were keen to get out so we ventured to Murrindindi Scenic Reserve for an overnight camp. We hiked 16km each day on some steep pinches. The Cascades and Wilhelmina Falls were glorious. As always, the students were lovely and made the most of the trip. Thanks to Ms Benham for accompanying me (and once again for eating my trangia cooking).


In Year 9 Bipedal and Bicycle, we headed up into Yarra Ranges National Park on the only walking track, Condons Walk Track. This was a hard slog on the walk up, for a few kilometres, then the downhill return was much faster. We have been building up our fitness and will head up to Mt St Leonard to do a steep walk next.


In Year 8, some of our students have been learning how to safely set up trangias and boil water (to make hot chocolates).