Foundation FKC

What a great start we have had for our last term in Foundation. Our class Mass last Friday was a special celebration where we gathered to thank God for the  'Wonderful World’ God has created for us. We loved the opportunity to lead our mass and thank God as a community for all our blessings. 


It is hard to believe we are in our 4th and final term of Foundation. It has been such a fun year and we have learnt soooo much!! Here are some thoughts and pics of us doing what we do best...Playing and Learning, Fun and Friendships!

Emma- I like going to the library because we get to change our books and do activities.
Mia- Going to Art is my favourite thing. Lexi- Our 100 days of school was the best day because we got to eat fairy bread and biscuits.
On task in our Focus Groups
Iziah- Playing outside is my favourite thing at school. Zachary-  I love reading and learning about phonemes and tricky words. And the AMAZING Mrs Green!
Emma- I like going to the library because we get to change our books and do activities.
Mia- Going to Art is my favourite thing. Lexi- Our 100 days of school was the best day because we got to eat fairy bread and biscuits.
On task in our Focus Groups
Iziah- Playing outside is my favourite thing at school. Zachary-  I love reading and learning about phonemes and tricky words. And the AMAZING Mrs Green!
Veronica- I love Maths. I like when we do take away. That’s called subtraction. Angelo- I love Heggarty’s and I like when we write tricky words on the whiteboards.
Hannah- I know how to tell the time so learning about o’clock was fun. Mia- Going to Art is my favourite thing. Jack- I love reading books and sport, Performing Arts and I love learning.
Luca- The best time is when we have free time and relaxing time. Raphael- Reading Bubble is the best because I get to read my Take home books. Reading Bubble is fun!
Learning about Ordinal Number
Playing 'Race to the Burrow'
Martin- Going to school and learning is fun. Nora- I like my teacher Mrs K. Jayden- I love all the activities we do. Lachie- I love Sport, Library and Performing Arts because we get to do stuff and run around in Sport.
Veronica- I love Maths. I like when we do take away. That’s called subtraction. Angelo- I love Heggarty’s and I like when we write tricky words on the whiteboards.
Hannah- I know how to tell the time so learning about o’clock was fun. Mia- Going to Art is my favourite thing. Jack- I love reading books and sport, Performing Arts and I love learning.
Luca- The best time is when we have free time and relaxing time. Raphael- Reading Bubble is the best because I get to read my Take home books. Reading Bubble is fun!
Learning about Ordinal Number
Playing 'Race to the Burrow'
Martin- Going to school and learning is fun. Nora- I like my teacher Mrs K. Jayden- I love all the activities we do. Lachie- I love Sport, Library and Performing Arts because we get to do stuff and run around in Sport.


Our writing is AMAZING! We are little authors already- we love to write and here are our holiday recounts. We wrote about our favourite things we did in the holidays. 






In Maths we are learning about Data.  Data is when you collect and sort information about the world. We looked at a picture story book called 'Duck! Rabbit'. We made a graph to find out if we saw a duck or a rabbit. We found out there was no right or wrong as people see different things - some people saw a duck, others saw a rabbit.. What do you see?

Each day we have a  'question of the day' to investigate and collect data.  Yesterday our question was 'Do you like kiwi fruit? ' We discovered 10 people in KFC did like it but 5 people didn't. We also learnt there were more people in our class who liked kiwi than  those who did not. This has been a fun way to find out the answer to things and to collect information.