Weekly Gospel Reflection

Luke 10:1-9

Jesus sends out the disciples to the towns ahead of him 

In this week's Gospel, Jesus appoints seventy-two disciples to go ahead of him and visit the towns he intends to visit. He offers his disciples practical advice, given the dangers of the time, by saying that he is sending them out "like lambs among wolves." The instructions are clear: carry no purse, no haversack, no sandals, and do not salute or greet anyone on the road.

Next, the disciples are to approach each house and first say, "peace to this house." If a person of peace lives there, they should stay in their home and partake of what is offered. Otherwise, they are to move on, leaving them to their own devices. While in the towns, they are instructed to cure the sick and proclaim, "the Kingdom of God is near."


So, what can we draw from this passage in today's context? First, in this text, we see that it wasn't only the twelve disciples whom Jesus called to act. Indeed, there was a wide group of people, even beyond these, who went out on his behalf to heal the sick and spread his word. After his death and resurrection, his mission continues today. As people of faith, we are called to continue this mission in the world today, to go out and make the world around us a better place.


I am reminded of the expression, "if you want to know someone's character, look at the company they keep." In other words, we are influenced by the people around us and are called to surround ourselves with others who live Christ-like lives. This week, Jesus calls us to pause and reflect on the company we keep. Perhaps you can catch up with some friends, call someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or spend some time reflecting on your own strengths and weaknesses.


Lord, teach me to be loyal to my friends. 

You are my most excellent example, never leaving and always walking beside me no matter what season I face.

 In times of need, may I provide a calm presence for my friends. Teach me to listen carefully to their needs. 

Give me the grace to respond in a Christ-like way. May they see You in me. I pray this in Your name. Amen.


St John Vianney, 


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