February , 2024

Welcome Back!

We're excited to welcome all students back on Monday, February 26th, for a regular week of school. We hope the students had a terrific break and they are rested and ready to learn! Please note that a week from now, we'll have a shortened week due to a teacher in-service on Monday, March 4th, and town meeting on Tuesday, March 5th.


Duel Enrollment When in High School

Please click here for more information

Honor Roll Recognitions

This week, we'll be recognizing students who have made the honor roll with short celebration ceremonies. Congratulations to all the hardworking students!

School Board Elections

Important elections are coming up for our school board. Please consider learning more about our candidates and we hope you will plan to vote (if you are a registered voter in our member towns) on Town Meeting Day.

8th Grade HS Information Night

Mark your calendars if you are an 8th grade family for an informational evening on March 6. Details will be shared by the high School staff.

Celebrating Black History Month

We recently celebrated Black History Month at school and had a week dedicated to Black Lives Matter. It's essential to continue these conversations and promote understanding and inclusivity in our community.

Women's History Month

Starting this Friday, we'll be commemorating Women's History Month. Join us in celebrating the achievements and contributions of women throughout history.

Basketball Team Achievements

Congratulations to our basketball teams for their fantastic efforts this season! The 8th-grade boys' team finished as the Mount Anthony Tournament champions, while the 8th-grade girls' team finished as runners-up. We're proud of all our athletes' hard work and dedication.

Nordic Cross Country Team

Despite the challenges of a snowless season, our Nordic cross country team has had a successful season. They've demonstrated resilience and dedication, embodying the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork.

The Importance of Sportsmanship

While winning is undoubtedly exciting, it's essential to remember that middle school sports offer valuable lessons in teamwork, commitment, skill development, and sportsmanship. These qualities are what truly matter at this stage of development.