From the Acting Principal

Term 4 Week 1


Parents and Carers,


The school has come alive after the holidays with the energy and enthusiasm of the students returning. There have been many stories about interesting school holiday activities shared in the yard and classrooms. We hope that you had a wonderful holiday and feel recharged for our final term of 2023. 



A number of our Year 6 students have been preparing in class to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As part of the preparation, Bishop Curtin, who will be presiding at the Confirmation, visited the school on Wednesday and spoke with the students. Next week on Wednesday, the students will visit St Patrick's Cathedral for a rehearsal and an opportunity to explore and learn about the largest church in Australia. On Sunday October 15th at 2:30pm, they will be confirmed at the cathedral, along with the Year 6 students from St. Francis Monty and Holy Trinity.


PFOL Update

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the PFOL and support of the school community, three new 85” big screens were installed in the Junior classrooms over the holidays to replace the old projectors that had served us well. Please keep up your wonderful support of the PFOL activities scheduled for this term, the Oaks Day Luncheon, Barefoot Bowls, the PFOL Obstacle Course day and the Christmas Carols BBQ.


Uniform Reminder

I would like to add a couple of uniform reminders at this time of year. Our sports uniform, which includes the sports shorts or skort and white socks with runners, should only be worn on sports days. The summer uniform is either the school dress, navy socks, black shoes or the blue/gold polo, navy blue school shorts, navy socks and black shoes. I think it is important to set expectations early in the term to help develop good habits. I mentioned to the students at assembly that if there is an issue with uniforms at any time,  an email or a note from parents or carers is required. 


With the arrival of summer heat finally, I also remind families to make sure everyone has a school hat with their name clearly labelled on the inside, at school every day. The students are being encouraged to apply sunscreen at recess and lunchtime each day from the pump pack dispensers in the junior and senior yards. Many of the senior students also have their own sunscreen attached to their school bags that they can apply when collecting their lunch.


Term 4 is going to be packed full of learning opportunities and memorable experiences for the students. It is always a busy but exciting time, so please keep your eyes open for communications from the school and contact us if you are unclear at any stage about school events or functions.




Mark Pinkerton

Acting Principal




Canteen window for (Friday) recess sales.  

Available for sale will be snack packets of Red Rock chips, Grain Wave whole grain chips, Pringles, Raspberry Twisters, Snakes, Smarties (Small 16g pkts), Yoghurt Frogs and Juicies. 

These items can be purchased through CDFPAY (and will be ready to pick up at recess) or can be bought directly from the window. 

If you are interested in helping our PFOL as a recess helper, please let us know. 



Friday Recess Orders



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Please refer to our School google calendar for events throughout the year.  



OSHClub contact - 0432 212 815