From the Principal 

End of Term

We would like to thank students, parents and staff for another fantastic term at Camelot Rise Primary School. There have been many highlights this term including:

  • Year 6 Camp to Lorne
  • Father’s Day Pizza Night
  • Book Week dress up day
  • Pyjama day
  • Year 3/4 Sleepover (This Thursday)
  • Foundation – Year 6 Kaboom Music Incursion
  • Year 1/2 Scienceworks excursion
  • Victorian High Ability Program (Selected Year 5 & 6 students)
  • Ski trip for Year 5 & 6 students
  • Foundation 100 Days of School celebration

Father's Day Pizza Night

Last Thursday night we held our Father’s Day Pizza Night.


This was a very successful event with many dads and their children spending quality time together in the hall enjoying pizzas!

Footy Fever Day

As is tradition at Camelot Rise, the last day of term 3 is Footy Fever Day (Friday, 15th September). Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their favourite team’s colours. This can be from any sport. 


We will be holding a parade around the basketball courts between 1:45pm – 2:15pm. We will be playing the theme songs for the different teams. Parents and carers are invited to come along.

Parent Contributions 2024

By the end of November, we will inform the school community of the Parent Payments for 2024. The Department of Education has asked schools to itemise the payments. The cost for Parent Payments is discussed and approved at our Finance and School Council meetings prior to being announced to the school community.

Are you leaving CRPS in 2024

We ask that you let us know if you are moving or have enrolled in another school in 2024. We require this information as soon as possible to establish grade structures for the start of the new school year. If your child is currently in grades Foundation – Year 5, and will not be at Camelot Rise in 2024, please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible. 

Parent requests for 2024

We are currently planning for 2024 and as part of this process we are determining our class structure and staffing profile to best meet the needs of all students. A great deal of thought, planning and time goes into placing children into classes each year. Every effort is made to place each child in a learning environment that is happy, productive and successful. Class placement is a complex process involving a range of factors and allocations will not be finalised until later in the school year. 


We anticipate that we will have seventeen classes again in 2024. We continue to increase our student numbers throughout the school. This is testament to the quality of education we provide at Camelot Rise Primary School. This is a combination of the outstanding classroom teaching practices, excellent academic results of our students, the students’ sense of connectedness to the school and their peers, the support of our families and the wonderful reputation we have in the community. 


We do not accept requests for placement with individual teachers, however, we do take into consideration relevant information, based on educational needs, which can help us with the placement process, and we try to place students with at least one known friend, if possible. 


If parents have any request for their child / children for 2024 we need this to be put in writing or via email, to Matthew Coney, Principal, by 4 pm on Friday, 27th October. 


My email address is

Timetable for the last day of Term 3, Friday 15th September - End of Term

Friday, 15th September is the last day of term and the timetable for the day will be slightly different.


9.00am – 10.40am       Students in class 

10.40am – 11.10am    Recess

11.10am – 12.50pm    Students in class

12.50pm – 1.00pm      Students eat lunch in class 

1.00pm – 1.40pm         Lunch play

1.45pm – 2.15pm         Footy parade on basketball court

2.30pm                            Students dismissed from their classrooms.


Our Camp Australia, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program commences at 2.30pm on the last day of term.

Happy Holidays

On behalf of the staff, we would like to wish all students, families and staff a wonderful 

holiday. It has been a great Term Three at Camelot Rise Primary School and we look forward to this continuing in Term Four. 


We welcome the community using our facilities during the holiday break as it is great seeing children and families being active and playing outdoors, however, if you see anyone acting suspiciously or inappropriately around the school grounds, please contact the Glen Waverley Police Station 9566 1555 or contact 000.


           We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, 2nd October.



Matthew Coney and Ben Heys