Message from Bev and Megan

DREAMERS - Reigned supreme! What a great day. The atmosphere and good spirit was evident everywhere - it was the essence of community. A huge thank you to all involved and heartfelt congratulations to Pat Malone our coach and his support committee. See the Dreamers page for a full run down.
Senior School Leadership Opportunities
Our Year Five and Six students have had a busy week actioning many of their leadership roles and areas of passion! Our Year Five Upstanders attended their Forum event where they met Zoe Daniels, participated in dance workshops with the Indigenous Outreach Project and met their guest Artist Noni Drew. Our Waste Warriors were active in a beach clean up and starting their Pen Recycling Program initiative at BBPS. Our Year Six students spent all of Wednesday at Brighton Secondary showcasing their debating skills! Please jump over to our new ‘Senior School’ section of the Newsletter to hear more about their exciting leadership opportunities.
Book Week at BBPS
Sophie has been in her element this week dressing up in a new costume each day and the fun continues next week too when we have a famous BBPS book parade. Classes have been eagerly visiting the library to explore all the books shortlisted for 2023 and to further explore this year's theme of "Read, Grow, Inspire". The Year Six Library Captains Sebastian and Sophia ( stepping in for Flynn who will be at the snow) look forward to seeing you all next week in your Book Week costumes, as they lead and host the annual book parade.
We now have the state and national data from the 2023 NAPLAN assessments. Victorian Grade 3 students achieved the highest results in the country for both reading and numeracy. Please read the letter from the Deputy Secretary Dr David Howes below. Our students' can be very proud of their attitudes and effort during the time of assessment.
Professional Development.
George Otero (Director of the Centre for Relational Learning New Mexico)
We had the opportunity to work with George at Elwood Primary School last week on Relational Leadership and Relational Learning. We thank Nicole and the team at Elwood for including neighbouring Beachside Schools. All learning is relational. There is no NOT relational. His message, to 'walk beside to notice, just notice.' That is the human opportunity for connecting without judging.
Other BBPS News
Illness: Our teachers have been plagued with some nasty illness this past few weeks, as have our students. Please keep your children home if they are unwell, rest is the best form of recovery. When a class teacher is absent, we do our best to ensure that continuity of learning is maintained for the students. This may occur in a number of ways, depending on the a range of circumstances, including:
- Casual Teacher Replacement – we are fortunate to have a pool of regular, outstanding teachers that work at BBPS on a casual basis. Class teachers provide a daily plan for a CRT to follow.
- Combining classes : The smaller classes at BBPS, enable us sometimes to put classes together so that the students are able to work with a familiar teacher and continue the planned program for the day.
- For consecutive days, where possible, we will try and organise a consistent replacement for the class. Sometimes, due to the current state-wide teacher shortage this is just not possible.
Whichever the strategy, we thank you for your understanding and knowing that there will have been much thought and organisation behind the scenes to ensure your child has a successful day at school.
If your child’s teacher is away, and you need to pass on any important information, please call or email the Admin Office who will pass on information to the replacement teacher or the year level teaching team.