Getting to know Mr Kelly


Last week we celebrated Teacher Assistant Week and shared a delicious morning tea together.  We truly appreciate all of our hard working Teacher Assistants for their energy, dedication, care and expertise they bring to school every day to support our students and teachers.


This fortnight we would like to introduce you and give a warm welcome to Mr Kelly who commenced working as a Teacher Assistant in Term 2.  





1.  Name :  Patrick Kelly


2.  Position: Teacher Assistant


2a. Favourite way to spend your weekend or a day off?

Playing footy and going to my shack.


2b. Favourite song:

Heat Waves by Glass Animals


2c. Favourite food:



3.  How long have you worked at JPII?

I started at JPII in Term 2.  


4. What are your unique attributes that you bring to the JPII team/community?

I have always enjoyed being a part of a team, I have played footy since I was 6 so I know that communication and cooperation go a long way when working as part of a team. This is also the first job for me in a school whilst studying my teaching degree, so it has been good for me to see new ideas and put some of my new learnings into practice. 


5.  Favourite part of working as a T.A. at JPII?

Working in Grade 1 and with Mrs Hickey has been a great start for me as a TA. There is never a day that is the same - always challenges, funny moments and interesting stories from the students to keep me on my toes!