Stories from the Library



As the year unfolds the stories from the library continue to grow. 

Our amazing Book Week Parade gave us the opportunity to dress up and celebrate characters from so many different books. The following day, 3/4B enjoyed a special Book Week party to celebrate their great effort with reading. Every student in this class qualified for a Premier’s Reading Challenge certificate. These students enjoyed a delicious cake cooked by our amazing catering team - Andrea Comino and Bridget Henwood. Some students took lessons from Tolkien’s classic book, The Hobbit, and had four servings of cake. Hobbits eat seven different meals: breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper.


During library lessons we are continuing to enjoy reading and discussing the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) shortlisted and notable titles for 2023. Classes have also been voting on these books and comparing our results to those of the official judges.


The CBCA Book of the Year titles available to borrow from the library can be viewed on our Oliver catalogue -

A full list of books is available by selecting Reading Lists at the top of the page, then clicking on C, then selecting CBCA Book of the Year.


Our Year 5/6 classes are looking forward to further celebrating books and reading with an author visit from Emily Conolan.


Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian and English/HASS Extension





Our library catalogue Oliver - is available online. 

Everything available in our library can be viewed using the following link –