Arts Engagement

Anne Aldis - Arts & Engagement Coordinator

Our Wonderful Year 12 Visual Communication and Designs.



Rahul George – VCD SAT -  Menu Design

Reese Castillo – VCD SAT - Book Cover



Art Term 3: 

Year 10 are currently investigating a “Sense of Face”.

 These students have been studying the features and proportions of the human face in preparation for their impasto painting unit. Students have gained skills in drawing, using colour for tone and choosing between the use of local or arbitrary colour for their final artwork. 

They are experimenting with the use of easels and painting mediums used when working in acrylic paint. All students have their own style and method of painting so every painting will be unique in its own right. So many skills are being learnt and so many artworks are being made. Well done t the Year 10 Art students and their wonderful practical work.