Acting Principal 

  Greg Van Es - Acting Principal  

Year 9 City Experience 


Our Year 9 students completed 2 days of educational activities this week outside of their normal classroom activities.

On Monday 4 September, there was an internal all day program run at St. John’s Regional College.

This program was led by the Flourish Girl Foundation and The Man Cave.

Flourish Girl is a non-for-profit charity that works with teenage girls between 13-18 years old to build their self-awareness, self-confidence and social contentedness within their school community and other trusted relationships. We encourage students that identify as non-binary to be a part of this journey.


Flourish Girl works with schools to deliver the program; a journey that provides a safe space for girls to develop the social and emotional tools they need to connect deeper with themselves and with the people around them. 

The Man Cave is a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence charity that empowers boys to become great men.


Using evidence-based workshops and expert facilitation, The Man Cave programs provide boys with the critical emotional and social skills they need to lead flourishing lives for themselves, their relationships and their communities.


On Thursday 7 September the students had a day in Melbourne where they completed a number of different activities to build their capacity in the ‘real world’ as well as having links to the topics studied in their classroom.

8:00 am – Staff and students arrive at Dandenong Station.

8:30 am – Students take train to Melbourne CBD. 

9:30 am – Students arrive in Melbourne CBD and split into Group 1 and Group 2.


9:45 am – Arrive at Immigration Museum for welcome.

10:00 am – Seeking Refuge Program and Gallery visit.

11:30 am – Depart Immigration Museum.

11:30 am – Visit Sandridge Bridge (1 hour)

12:30 pm – Students have lunch (students to bring or purchase) 


9:45 am – Visit Sandridge Bridge (1 hour)

10:45 am – Arrive at Immigration Museum for welcome.

11:00 am – Seeking Refuge Program and Gallery visit.

12:30 pm – Depart Immigration Museum.

12:30 pm – Students have lunch.

1:15 pm – All students assemble at Federation Square into small groups for Amazing Race.  Activity.

1:30 pm – Students commence Amazing Race Activity. Teachers to stay at Federation Square.

3:00 pm – Students must be back at Federation Square for wrapping up of Amazing Race Activity.

3:15 pm – Students make their way to the train station to catch the train back.

3:30 pm – Students will depart Melbourne CBD on train. 

4:30 pm – Student to arrive back at Dandenong Station. Dismissed from Dandenong Station. 

Thank you to Miss Angelique Phillip-Kemp for all the work she did in preparation for these activities and the staff who supported the students on the two days.

R U OK Day

On Thursday 14 September students will be involved in a range of activities including soccer matches, food stalls and the ongoing sharing of positive affirmations for each member of their homeroom. We often forget how important affirming messages can be to each other and the sense of appreciation and positive regard they produce for ourselves and others.

This year’s R U OK Day theme is ‘Here to Hear’ and we invite all members of our College community to ask a loved one if they R OK and to genuinely ‘Hear’ the response. It is important to remember that it is ok to ‘not be OK’ and that support is available for people who may need it.

Remember R U OK Day is about awareness but the idea about asking if someone is ok should happen everyday.


I thank Miss Angelique Phillip-Kemp and the Student Representative Council for their preparation and leadership in providing such a fun and educational day for our students.

Happy Holidays

I wish all members of our community a safe and happy holiday with family and friends over the coming break. I look forward to seeing our students on their safe return on Monday 3rd of October for the start of Term 4.