News from the 5/6 Classrooms

We have spent the last few weeks researching and creating Space Stations during our STEM sessions.
Students started by coming up with questions thinking about potential problems they may face in space. They then researched how this problems could be solved and researched how space stations support human life.
Students then had to design and make a space station to accommodate an international space crew of 5 people. The space station must:
- replicate the conditions on Earth so that the crew can survive their time in space
- contain both a habitation module (living quarters) and a laboratory module
- have a docking station to allow supply ships to replenish supplies and remove waste and crew ships to bring new staff and collect crew returning to Earth
- be made from at least three different common household materials and have at least two moving parts.
Students needed to design their space stations and create a plan to scale before creating the model of their space station.
This term we have been learning about social justice with a particular focus on malnutrition, poverty, illiteracy and sanitation. We were able to research these issues to better understand them and discover aid agencies that assist with these issues.
As part of our Term 3 project we created a spoken word poem on a Social Justice topic of our choice that impacts children around the World. We were able to perform these poems in our classrooms and 3 finalists from each grade were then able to perform in front of the 5/6 cohort.