School Fete

Fete Volunteer Sign Up Roster
Dear Parents and Carers,
With only four weeks to go until the fete, the excitement is building.
All profits from the fete will be used to purchase outdoor equipment and activities to enhance the children's outdoor play and learning experiences.
Our volunteers have been busy preparing for the day and now it is your turn to lend a helping hand.
Please click on the link below and register your details as a new user of Signup Zone.
Once registered, on the overview page select the activity that you would like to assist with and enter your name under the preferred time slot.
There is a wide range to choose from, including surrounding yourself with delicious treats at the cake stall, strolling around the bottom oval keeping a close eye on what's happening, perhaps you would prefer to turn up the heat and get behind a bbq or have some fun making fairy floss. There is definitely something for everyone so have a browse and sign up for an hour or two!
Please feel free to sign up for more than one activity but please be especially careful not to sign up for activities that are running at the same time.
We are all really looking forward to the day and hope that you can join us for some of the time to help out and the rest of the time enjoying a relaxing few hours with the community.
We would like to thank the following sponsors who have generously made donations to our fete.