Diary Dates

Term 3, 2023
Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th September - Grade 5 Camp
Friday 15th September - Last day of Term 3 , school finishes 2:30pm
Term 4, 2023
Monday 2nd October - First day of Term 4
Wednesday 4th October - Whole School Photo
Thursday 12th October - Free Dress Day - wear favourite colour and bring gold coin
Saturday 14th October - SCHOOL FETE, Referendum Polling Day,10am-2pm
Monday 16th - Friday 20th October - Swimming program for FKJ, FSR, 1MC, 1JT, 2LP, 2DF, 3/4B and 4JT
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Swimming program for 3AT, 3RO, 3/4R, 5CE, 5NK, 5SG, 6CF, 6LK and 6JK
Monday 6th November - Pupil Free day, no children required at school
Friday 10th November - Grade 1 and 2 Disco and Movie night
Tuesday 14th November - World Kindness Day - JSC event
Monday 20th November - Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 excursion to Legoland
Tuesday 21st November - 2024 Foundation Information night
Wednesday 13th December - Grade 6 Graduation and disco
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of Term 4, school finishes 1:30pm