Principal Report

Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Celebrations for Term 3 

What a term we have had with so many exciting learning and community events. 

We have had:

  • a whole school production
  • gymnastics program
  • French Day and our French poetry competition
  • Book Fair
  • Book Character dress up day and parade 
  • 100 Days of Foundation 
  • Year 3/4 camp
  • Year 5 camp
  • Junior school athletics
  • Family Bowling Night 
  • Hooptime basketball 
  • District basketball, athletics and hockey
  • Superhiro day
  • Father's day celebrations
  • Colour Run
  • Footy colours day 
  • Expo - maths games afternoon 
  • Incursions and excursions 

All of this added to an amazing learning program which runs each and everyday at Boroondara Park PS. 

Holidays and early finish 

We wish all of our students and their familes a wonderful holiday. We know many are travelling, be safe and have fun! 


A reminder school finishes at 2.30pm tomorrow. 

District Basketball and Athletics

Well done to the 18 BPPS students who represented the school at District Basketball on Friday September 8th. See the Sport and PE page of this newsletter for how they went. 


Well done to the 60 BPPS students who represented the school at the District Athletics on September 4th. We were very proud of their efforts.  Mrs Reeve reported that all of our students were amazingly behaved and tried their hardest. 


Grade 5 Camp 

This year we have tried a new camp for Year 5. Our students, staff and parent volunteers are at The Summit in Trafalgar. All the pictures show them having a great time, the weather could not be better. 

We hope the Year 5 families have enjoyed seeing the photographs being sent out on COMPASS each day. 

Raffle tickets 

What an amazing collection of prizes we have for the school Fete raffle. 


Thank you to the members of the community who have contributed prizes and those who have asked for prizes and walked around the local shops. 


The eldest student in each family has been sent a raffle booklet to sell. Each ticket is $2, a total of $20 for each book. 


Please return all ticket stubs with money and unsold tickets to the office by Wednesday October 11th.  The raffle will be drawn on October 14th at 1pm.   


We are all getting excited about the school Fete on Saturday October 14th. 


The planning team have lots of things organized, budgets completed, donations collected and they are making lists of tables, chairs and all sorts of items needed for each stall. You will have recently received some COMPASS messages about donations and the raffle. 


The team will shortly send out information about the volutneers needed on the day to make the Fete a successful event. 


Volunteers sign up

Baby News 

We are excited to share Emma Thomas and her husband Andrew welcomed Isobel Mairi Thomas into their family on August 14th. 

Emma says she is perfect and her sister Maya is besotted with her. 

Staffing news   

Claire Brennan will be returning to Boroondara Park PS in Term 4. She will be working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in 3RO. 

Ray Owens has made the decision to reduce her work hours next term with a plan to retire at the end of 2023. 


Thank you to Jane Xie who has been teaching 3/4R this term, Jane attended BPPS and I know she has enjoyed being here as a member of staff. She has contributed to her team and made sure the learning program in the class continued uninterrupted. We hope to continue seeing her next term as a casual replacement teacher. 


Thank you to Maria Szabo who has been in 6CY for the last six weeks of this term working with Jennifer Coombs. She has enjoyed the experience of working with the students in 6CY. We hope to see her again next term as a casual replacement teacher. 


Next term Paula Paziotis will continue in the Tutor Learning role, as Jennifer Christie is on Long Service Leave for the remainder of 2023. Paula will be working in 5NK for the first part of term as well. 


We are excited to share our Performing Arts teacher for Term 4 will be Jonathan Parkins, we are excited for him to start next term. Jonathan has been working in the role for the last few weeks and all students will have met him. 

Colour Run 

What an amazing afternoon we had on September 1st. 


Thank you to Phil Wickham for all of his fabulous organisation to ensure we had a great event for our students. 


Thank you to the parents who volunteered to assist and got into the excitement of the afternoon with the colours flying everywhere. 

We hope everyone had a great time! 

Halloween Colouring Competition reminder

A reminder we have copies of the colouring competition page from the local member, Jess Wilson. There is one prize for a student at each school. Send your child to the office to collect a colouring sheet or print the one attached below. The competition closes on October 6th and all colouring sheets should be returned to the office on October 6th. They will be collected and winners notified. 



Are you leaving BPPS in 2024?

Is your child leaving Boroondara Park PS in 2024? Please take the time to complete this form to let us know - Leaving Boroondara Park in 2024.

BPPS Facebook and Instagram 

Don't forget to follow our social media accounts and see what is happening at school each day. Boroondara Park Primary School Facebook

Search @BoroondaraPark on Instagram to follow the school. 


Susanne Lowe
