Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

What we have been up to:
Term 3 continues to be exciting and full of learning! As part of our integrated unit on celebrations, we have been listening to our classmates' interviews and preparing for a community school celebration to be held in individual classrooms. Keep an eye out for the personal invitation!
We continue to further develop our understanding of the connection between multiplication and division. Students were presented with a picture of a fruit shop and asked to find all the examples of how multiplication can be used to find ‘how many?’ or ‘how much?’ They explored how multiplication is the most efficient way to calculate how many pieces of fruit were in the array. Using informal units students have started learning about measuring and comparing the length and the area of objects.
Students are now moving into the Little Learners Love Literacy Stage 7.4 sounds in phonics. These sounds include: i-e as in five, i as in find, g making the ‘j’ sound when followed by e, i, and y.
Students are enjoying exploring poetry and writing poems about themselves in different styles. If you have any favourite childhood poems, please share these with your child who in turn, could share them with their class.
Student Quotes:
‘I’m looking forward to celebrating NAIDOC because we will share a breakfast and a BBQ together’
‘I love NAIDOC week because it’s celebrating the elders we have lost’
‘I’ve loved learning about multiplication and how arrays work. They organise groups.’
‘I’m enjoying learning about lots of different celebrations from all around the world. I really liked kids day in Japan because it’s a whole day about KIDS!’
‘I love thinking about the memories I have had about celebrations and popping that into my school work.’
What’s to come in the next two weeks:
Students will continue presenting their celebration interviews and learning about the similarities and differences between celebrations around the world. They will participate in the NAIDOC day celebrations and the Year 2s will plan and organise the community celebration coming up. Look out for the Compass post and hope to see you there.
In writing, we are taking a deep dive into the wonderful world of poetry exploring acrostic, list, shape, Haiku and rhyming poems. Plus, don’t forget book week commencing next week.
In maths, we will be looking at multiplication stories and arrays in the real world. We will be exploring making connections between arrays to help us understand how one array and fact is related to a whole lot more. Students will also be using their knowledge of arrays to help them find the area of a surface.