Multiage –Celebrating Learning

The Multis have continued to enjoy our science topic on “Forces” using pulleys, Gravity experiments such as “The great Bottle drop” to see what happens when a half full and empty bottle are dropped together, making parachutes to slow the speed of a dropped egg from a height, water resistance and finally our Marble Run at Croxton is a work in project.
Students have also been very lucky to participate in some Gamelan – Indonesian Drumming sessions with Jeremy (a TPS parent) at Croxton on Fridays. They are preparing to present at Assembly later in the Term.
We also had a surprise visitor from TPS who joined us for morning tea at the new “Café 1679” at Croxton last week.
Our weekly Food Tech sessions are loads of fun and it has been wonderful watching the student’s independence skills develop as well as their ability to work with other in pairs to create their delicious masterpieces.
Finally the big Jump Rope for Heart Day at Croxton this week was a huge hit with the whole school and the Multis won lots of awards for their skipping. The Croxton students also raised over $1500 for the Heart Foundation and have increased their fitness as well.