Class 1 Steiner

Celebrating Learning

Class 1 has been having a fantastic time working through our recent maths main lesson, which has followed the adventures of Multiplicando. Multiplicando introduced us to Her Highness Minus, King Divide and taught us how we can ‘share fairly and squarely’. The story explored the relationships between addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division. We’ve been applying all our findings through play and engaging hands-on activities. 


Students were sad to say goodbye to Multiplicando and wrote some fantastic stories about where he might be off to next. They’ve also been creating their own stories for our school wide writing competition in response to the theme, growing and changing. 


Class 1 were also so happy to be invited to watch the 5 / 6 Steiner class play rehearsal recently and found it really inspiring. Each student has been allocated their own brand-new recorder and we’ve begun exploring how to take care of and play them.