Wellbeing and Mental Health

Human Sexuality and Consent Education
Next week, starting on the 21st of August, specifically trained teachers within Thornbury Primary School will be implementing a series of Sexuality Health lessons that focus on physical, social, and emotional changes.
The content of the lessons complies with the Australian Curriculum and is recommended by the Department of Education, and is focused on Respectful Relationships, Consent and Sexuality Education. These specific lessons will support students to work towards achieving the required health standards of the State Curriculum. Other components of the curriculum will be covered during Physical Education lessons and within the students’ regular classes. The lessons will deliver age-appropriate content using a fact-based approach. A variety of materials will be used to deliver the content in a sensitive manner, including:
PREP PROGRAM The students will be learning:
GRADE 1&2 and 2/3S PROGRAM The students will be learning:
GRADE 3&4 MAINSTREAM and 3/4S PROGRAM The students will be learning:
GRADE 5&6 PROGRAM The students will be learning:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the relevant staff members below:
Thornbury Primary School respects your family’s role in teaching Sexuality Education and hope that these lessons and resources support and facilitate further conversations.
- Access the Talking The Talk Virtual Classroom parent platform:
- Our School’s Initial sign up link: · https://www.talkingthetalksexed.com.au/offers/WtuoqU2w?coupon_code=THORPAR038
- Subsequent Logins: https://www.talkingthetalksexed.com.au/login
- This month’s free resource link:
- Online sexual health, wellbeing and safety from the Esafety Commissioner: