This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
Congratulations on surviving it to the final week of Term Three. While the Concert Production was the main highlight there have been many other extremely successful learning and extra curricular activities throughout the past 10 weeks.
Please follow our recent Operoo sent information regarding illness of students noting the recent bout of gastro, COVID and other illness being passed around because students are attending school when not well. Please keep your children home if they have vomited or have any symptoms of illness. The holidays should give the community the chance to break this cycle.
Concert Production Feedback: Parts from an email from Cr Prue Cutts, Deputy Mayor
Dear David,
Congratulations on an extraordinary whole of school performance! I was literally blown away by the creativity of the performance and the talent of your pupils.
I loved every minute of it, and frankly didn’t want it to end!
As Principal, you must be enormously proud of your school community, students, and teaching and non-teaching staff.
I loved your David Attenborough segment too, that was incredibly clever. And your last whole of school song being signed, led by Naomi, who I sat next to, was very emotional and incredibly moving.
What an amazing school you are Principal of David. I loved the Art Show last year but this took it to a completely new level.
Thank you so much for inviting me along. It has been a highlight of my year!
Please pass on my congratulations to all staff and the whole student community. They were outstanding!
Kind regards,
Year 5/6 Science Fair - this week!
On the Tuesday of the 12th of September, the Grade 5/6s will present some amazing science experiments and you are invited to join us. We have been learning about chemical, physical, energy and matter changes and we put them into work by researching information to create experiments that help us understand more of these changes. There are many things such as volcanic eruptions using mentos and coke, bath bombs fizzing and even a homemade rocket launch.
Do you want to know what makes them explode and why they erupt?
We have multiple groups that have created different types of changes. We hope all of you will come and visit all of our experiments.
When: 3:00-3:20pm Parents and Grandparents are invited to visit
Where: The Year 5/6 Classrooms
You will see lots of exciting, interesting, educational and very cool science experiments. Can’t wait to see you there!
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School Survey Improvement School (MACSSIS) Surveys
The MACSSIS survey period closes this week. So far we only have 35 out of 240 families who have completed the surveys. Thank you! to those families but we need many many more to support us in gaining feedback to set future directions for our school. It only takes approx 15 mins to complete.
For those who may have forgotten, an email from the office containing the link to the survey and your unique family login code was sent on Monday 28 August. The survey close this Friday 15th September.
Please not all surveys are anonymous. We receive the compilation of results.
If you have completed the survey please complete the Operoo form so that your child/ren may have a free lamington this Friday.
Australian Girls Choir Form
Last week all girls in the school received an Australian Girls Choir flyer to take home to parents and inform them about the Term 4 Workshop happening on Wednesday 4th October. If you would like your daughter to participate, parents are asked to return their permission slip to the school OR to register through our website if they are interested by Friday 15th September. Please note that the workshop will only be available to girls who have returned their permission slip or registered through our website.
Learning Conferences
Learning Conferences will take place this Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 1pm with conferences beginning at 1:30pm. A reminder that your child is required to attend the conversations with you and their teacher.
To help support families who are unable to collect their child/ren at 1pm, we are providing student supervision until 3:20 pm. Students will be supervised in the 3/4 classrooms during this time. If your Learning Conference is between 1:30pm - 3:20 pm please collect and sign out your child directly from the supervising teachers in the 3/4 classrooms.
Students who remain at school until 3:20pm will be dismissed from the Quadrangle and may exit the school in their usual manner.
Lost Property
In addition to the mountain of lost property in our white tubs outside, we also have a few treasures that have been handed directly into the office. If you or your child are missing one of the items below, please see Michelle or Lisa in the office to collect.
Farm Help
If you are able to help on the farm, we still have a few spots available over the holidays. Please email Vic -
Fri 22nd & Sat 23rd Sept |
Sun 24th & Mon 25th Sept |
Tue 26th & Wed 27th Sept |
Footy Tips Results
Congratulations to the following place winners:
First Place: Bomber Liam - 149
Second Place: Myoss - 148
Third Place: NJonesy24 - 147
2024 Enrolments at St James
We are expecting that all current families/students in Years Prep - Five will be returning to St James next year. If your family/child will not be returning next year, please contact the school office as soon as possible. We currently have waiting lists for many levels across the school.
A few other updates and happenings
- Monday 11th September - Year 4 Basketball Day
- Wednesday 13 - Learning Conferences - 1.30pm - 7.30pm (1pm early dismissal)
- Thursday 14th - School Disco
- Friday 15 - Footy dress up day
Have a great week and a well deserved holiday break with your beautiful children. I know many are ready for a rest.