Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 


No, it’s not the word for ostrich in German! Although you could be forgiven for thinking it is. While there are many countries where German is spoken, it is the DACH countries that are most widely recognised for their German-speaking cultures. This is an abbreviation of the German words for these three countries: Deutschland (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH, which is short for Latin Confoederatio Helvetica). Writing to their Austrian pen pals, our Year 6 students have had to adjust their thinking from focusing purely on Germany, recognising that the DACH countries have their own flags, their own variations in German language and dialect and their own special landmarks. Last week, we sent our second letter to BRG & BORG school in St Pölten, also sending Christmas gifts for later in the year – Schuhe vor der Tür (shoes with a gift inside to recognise Nikolaustag on 6 Dec). Our Year 6s have shown such care and effort, demonstrating outstanding penmanship and embracing the spirit of pen-pal communication by decorating their letters with photos and drawings, all in the name of connecting with others. Who knows, maybe one or two of these global relationships will continue beyond school and involve a visit to Österreich or Australien one day.


Frau Chesterman & Frau Edwards