Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

August Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to our August Aussies of the Month! Our Aussie of the Month Awards recognise students who 'live and breathe' the LNPS school values: CARE & CONCERN, RESPECT, HONESTY and PURSUIT of EXCELLENCE. Please read further to find out who the August Aussies of the Month are and what their teachers had to say about them. 


'Leila is not only a leader within our classroom, she is a role model that others look to emulate. She is a person that embodies all of our learner qualities and values. I could not think of a more deserving person for this fantastic award. We are all extremely proud of you and can’t wait to see your progress in the future. Congratulations Leila!' - Mr J 


Mellor - Leila
Mellor - Leila


'Lilly is a determined and well liked student in T18. She demonstrates Honesty and Respect at all times. She is a wonderful example of someone who always tries their best, no matter what. Her sense of humour and ability to laugh with and about herself are commendable. She makes everyone feel comfortable and respected through all interactions. I am proud to recognise Lilly for being the person that she is and for always trying to improve in all aspects of her learning. Congratulations Lilly and I know you will continue to live the School Values. Well done!' - Mr Clayton


Torrens - Lilly
Torrens - Lilly


'I am so proud of Nicholas for his outstanding focus, engagement and participation towards his learning. We have seen a big shift in his ability to seek next steps and acting on feedback given to him to ensure he is meeting all task requirements. He is taking greater ownership of his learning and showing dedication in all learning areas. He consistently demonstrates care and concern for peers and is a very trustworthy and respectful member of our F15 team. Keep on aiming high and being amazing Nicholas!' - Miss Maddy


Fisher - Nicholas
Fisher - Nicholas