School News 

Worlds Greatest Shave

Hi, my name is Alexander and I’m a year six student in F15, with Miss Maddy. Over the last few years I’ve been growing a wonderful mullet (some say dreadful). But over the years the people that inspired me to grow a mullet, have cut theirs OFF! I’m not a quitter. 


I’m hosting an event at school to support Ronald McDonald House Charities.


I’ve been growing my mullet for a few years now, but it’s time for it to be gone before I start high school. 


I’ve chosen to support the Ronald McDonald House Charity in South Australia and raise funds to ensure families that have to be away from home due to a child’s hospitalization are cared for. 


Here is the link to donate money:

Aboriginal Dance and Language Workshops with Kira

Last week we had Kira visit us again and run dance and language workshops with our students. It was great for students to be able to reconnect with Kira and build on the previous Kaurna language learnt.


Kira began by telling us the names of Australian animals in Kaurna and showing us how we can represent these animals through dance and movement. Popular moves were the kangaroo, koala, snake, whale, dingo and goanna.


 Students then worked in groups to create their own animal dance and movement sequences. They then showcased what they had created to their peers. We were so impressed with their creativity!


We also loved hearing all of Kira’s stories and we thank her for sharing her knowledge with us. Students were able to ask questions and enjoyed hearing tales about her kangaroo Cindy and Emu, Fasty.


Our school Sports Day will be held on Thursday 9th November in Term 4.


In preparation, running trials for Sports Day will be held during school time on Wednesday 27th September. Year 6 students will be running on a separate day due to High School transitions and their class teacher will notify the revised date.


Please send your child to school with suitable shoes for running.  


Don't forget to purchase your Sports Day t-shirts from the online shop ready for the big day. 


On behalf of the Sports Day Committee.