Empowered Learners at LNPS

Primary Student Focus Group - Developing our Learner Quality Profiles

What is an empowered learner at LNPS? 

At LNPS we continuously aspire for our learners to apply the LNPS learner qualities to drive learning and growth; explain and understand progress, use a range of strategies to learn, and encourage and welcome feedback. 


In continuing to build *learner agency students from Torrens and Fisher worked collaboratively as a primary focus group to share their thinking, understandings and ideas on the LNPS Learner Qualities. Their perspectives and ideas will further contribute to the shaping of our Learner Quality Profiles. 

*Learner agency - Future-ready students need to exercise agency, in their own education and throughout life. Agency implies a sense of responsibility to participate in the world and, in so doing, to influence people, events and circumstances for the better. Agency requires the ability to frame a guiding purpose and identify actions to achieve a goal.


This has further given evidence if our students have a surface-level understanding of our learner qualities, where they can:

  • Name the learner qualities
  • Describe learner qualities through visuals and other words
  • List examples of what learner qualities look, sound and feel like
  • Identify the learner qualities in self and others

The focus groups engaged in rigorous discussions and shared their current understandings of what thinking habits and behaviours empowered learners, within each of the qualities, need to have so that they can make the most of future opportunities and respond to changes in their worlds. 

Students collaborated in defining What (specific learner quality) learners think and do? 

For myself and Tyson, this was an inspiring and rewarding experience as we gained a deeper understanding of our students’ thinking and understanding, and how our teachers have engaged students with our leaner qualities within various learning experiences.  This is further a reflection of how impactful our Learning Conferences have been this year as students were able to share their goals in a public forum.  


On Thursday we will be working with our Reception to Year 2 students!



In seeking community input in the shaping of our Learner Quality profiles we invite families into Tirkand on our Community Night next Wednesday to share their thoughts, ideas, perspectives and understandings about our LNPS Learner Qualities. 


As you enter Tirkandi the posters will be displayed behind the Book Fair display. Grab a marker and let us know your ideas!

Mirjana and Tyson