School News 

Week 8 Update

The end of term is quickly approaching, and staff and students are demonstrating an amazing amount of resilience as we wrap up another successful term. Everyone is looking forward to the warmer weather, a two week break and spending quality time with family and friends. 


Over the past few weeks, we have started to display our School Values, Aiming High Expectations and Learner Qualities posters across the school. They look wonderful in every learning space, and clearly display our school expectations. Please take the time at Community Night to have a look at the posters and speak to your children about them. 

Empowered Learners at LNPS 

Save the date! Wednesday 20th September 5pm - 6:30pm

Our annual Community Event is coming up and we are very excited to showcase how we empower our learners through everyday learning experiences. Our students will walk families through the LNPS buildings showcasing their learning, teaching games using the strategies they have learnt, and much more. Please see our brochure outlining some of the exciting learning your child/children will walk you through. 


Congratulations to Ananya from F12 and Ari from R7 on winning the Community Event poster competition!! Two amazing posters describing how they are developing their LNPS Learner Qualities! They have won a Scholastics book voucher to use on the night in the annual Book Fair display.

We will be holding a parent forum in Tirkandi to enable parents to share their thoughts, ideas, perspectives and understandings about our LNPS Learner Qualities. 


There will also be a range of food trucks on the night! Currently, we have confirmed:

  • Weinerbago - German hotdogs, curly fries and a variety of German dishes
  • Mustard Seed Family Project -  coffee and cold drinks. Profits donated to the homeless community of SA.

We encourage everyone to stay around for dinner and mingle with other families.


We look forward to catching up with our community.

Class Placements 2024

In the first few weeks of Term 4, the process to place students into classes for 2024 will begin.


Classes are formed according to:

  • The number of students at each year level
  • The Education Department’s recommended teacher-to-student ratio as per the funding model
  • Staff knowledge about students' educational and wellbeing needs
  • Information provided by parents that address the LNPS Class Placement Guidelines (please see attached)

Class Placement Guidelines-COMMUNITY.pdf


If parents wish to provide further educational information to support this process, please use the LNPS Class Placement Guidelines. 


Information or requests that do not meet the criteria outlined in the guidelines will not be taken into consideration.  


Please email or  by Friday 20th October. 

It is vital that requests are received by this date as teachers and leadership will begin collaborating in the early weeks of Term 4. 

Families will be notified of their child's class placement on Monday 11th December. 


Any requests after families are notified of their child's placement will not be considered.  


Life's ups and downs happen to all of us. So chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small. 


Are they really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life. 


You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life.  


There are lots of free resources at: along what to do after you have asked “R U OK?” This initiative is about strengthening our relationships and bridging the gap between caring about someone and letting them know that you’re there for them when they need it.


A simple way to connect and have a meaningful conversation with someone – whether it’s a friend, family member or workmate – is over a cuppa. The conversation doesn’t have to be the heavy stuff, sometimes just talking about work, sport or the kids is enough to ease the stress of life. But if they need to let off some steam you can use R U OK?'s 4 conversation steps to show them they’re supported and help them find strategies to better manage the load.

Because in the time it takes to have a cuppa, you could start a conversation that could change a life. 



Tyson and Mirjana