Hi all, 

Our Father's Day Stall is happening next Wednesday 30th August.  So, don't forget to send in some $$ with your child/ren that morning, along with a bag for them to hide their presents. 

Gifts will be priced between $2 - $9 , and we would REALLLLLLY appreciate it if you would send in notes no bigger than $10. 

We look forward to seeing all those happy smiling faces 😄

And now and not so fun reminder.  We are still awaiting payment for quite a few Cadbury Chocolate Boxes. If you have YET to pay, can you please do so by Thursday 31st August, as we need to finalise this fundraiser before the end of term. You can pay via Compass or return your money to the office. 

If you have NOT sold your box of chocolates, please return that to the office ASAP so that others can have the chance to help out. 

Also, don't forget to join our Facebook page by clicking on this link to keep up to date.

CHAPS team 💚