Consent/Respectful Relationships Education

Elizaeth Reardon

SSSC aims to ensure that students are equipped for happy, successful lives, and ready for the real world. Learning about consent and respectful relationships forms an integral part of this transition.


With consent education now mandatory in all Victorian schools, SSSC have taken a whole school approach by providing the entire school community the opportunity to improve their understanding & knowledge about this important topic. The sessions were organised by the school’s Wellbeing Team, delivered by Elephant Education, a leading specialist in sexual education to student mentor groups.


On Thursday 29th February, all Year 11 students attended a workshop on Sexual consent, respectful behaviour, and the Victorian Law. Having completed the consent workshop last year, the Year 12 students had the option to attend a workshop on either - Pleasure, Intimacy, or Privilege.


Feedback from the student’s was overwhelmingly positive.


What worked well was having time for Q&A and allowing time to talk in depth. Things to improve included more information for LBGTQIA+ students, on positive healthy relationships and how to establish boundaries in a relationship. Students felt the sessions could be shorter, more concise, and interactive.


Wellbeing staff were available for additional student support.