From the Desk of Diarmaid Fennessy

Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends,


2024 is well and truly underway. The first few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity.  On the first day designer and Wiradjuri woman Kristy Dickinson spoke openly about her personal and creative journey taking the Haus of Dizzy earrings  from market stalls to the lobes of celebrities and collaborations with Adidas and Reebok. In our first Mentor class the whole school participated in a Welcome to Country ceremony with Wurundjeri Elder Uncle Perry.  


The students embodied our values through their respectful engagement in both of these events.  Our acknowledgement of the traditional owners of the land on which we learn is also in the vibrant mural at the school's entrance, by Wurundjeri artist Simone Thomson.


Our new students have settled in, found their groove and are well settled. It has been great to teach, observe and encourage some of them to shoot hoops on the basketball court with me. I have really enjoyed getting to know such a curious, diverse and talented group of young people.


To help us support our students to achieve their very best we ask that you check compass regularly and enter any absences that you have approved. If you require any assistance with Compass please contact our IT department.


Over the next few weeks student assessments will begin. Some good strategies to support students at home include; creating a study timetable and encouraging them to reach out to their teachers, who are dedicated and responsive to students' learning needs. 


I look forward to a successful 2024 here at Swinburne Senior Secondary.


Diarmaid Fennessy 

Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Learning