From the Desk of the Principal

Daryl Bennett

Welcome to 2024


Welcome back to all students, staff and families for the new school year. I sincerely hope that the holidays were enjoyable and that they provided time for all to relax and celebrate after our successful conclusion to 2023.


I extend a very warm welcome to all our new students and to those returning to Swinburne in 2024. It is an exciting year for us as we begin the year with the new Leadership Team in place. The team is full of experience and passion for educating the students at Swinburne Senior SC. The team is:


Diarmaid Fennessy - Assistant Principal 

Emily Barnes - Assistant Principal

Tricia Radford - Leader of Year 11

Gita Menon - Leader of Year 12

Elizabeth Reardon - Leader of Wellbeing

Bridget Kelly - Leader of Coaching

Meiki Apted - Leader of Learning

Glenn Morris Leader of Curriculum, Reporting and Assessment


This year our work on attendance will continue and will be extended with a focus on the academic growth of our students. We do this work in conjunction with building a safe, kind and inclusive environment with our work in the Berry Street Education Model. This is delivered in the Mentor program and will be evident in all our classrooms at the school.


This year we have appointed a number of new staff and I extend a warm welcome to all of them. We welcome:


Glenn Brennan - Maintenance

Bridget Kelly - Leader of Coaching - English and Humanities

John Satchell - Product Design Wood / VET Furnishing

Keren Simmons - Food and Art team

Katherine Sip - Leader of Art - Art and VCD

Stephanie Smart - Art and Photography


We also welcome back the following staff from their leave in 2023 Belinda Alexandrovics and Lachlan Burgin.


The arrival of new staff each year – both experienced and new graduate teachers – is always invigorating for an organisation as fresh faces and new ideas and perspectives provide us all with a sense of renewal. I am confident that all our new staff members will bring great positivity, enthusiasm and commitment to their roles.


We are excited that the new Swinburne Senior Secondary College Sports Centre, on Camberwell Road is almost complete. The $24million dollar project is due to be handed over in early March. Please watch the school social media accounts for information.


There is always something exciting happening at Swinburne Senior SC and I encourage you to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.


Daryl Bennett
