Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education


Whole School Masses

Today Friday 25 August our students in Year 4 led our whole school Mass celebration. The theme for their Mass was ‘Jesus Calls Us To Love and Serve Others’  and all of the students read beautifully and participated with reverence and confidence. Congratulations to Miss McDonald, Miss Maunder and Year Four and thank you to Father McHugh for a lovely Mass.


Our next whole school Mass will be on Friday 8 September and Year 2/3 will lead our celebration. Mass will be at 9.30am and everyone is welcome.


Father Curran on Holiday

Father Curran will be on holiday for three weeks from the start of this week. We wish Father Curran a restful and much deserved holiday. Father McHugh from Tamworth will be celebrating Sunday Mass with the Parish.


Superhero Day

Please support our Superhero Day, which is our current fundraiser for charity. All money raised goes to Westmead’s Bear Cottage dedicated for caring for children with life-limiting conditions.


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 

Fathers' Day

We wish all of our fathers, grandfathers and father figures a very happy Father’s Day on Sunday 3 September.


Season of Creation

The Season of Creation 2023 commences on September 1 and concludes on October 4. This year’s theme is ‘Let Justice and Peace Flow’ as we pray and work together to look after our world and minimise the impact that pollution is having on our beautiful world.


World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

On Friday September 1 Pope Francis has asked us to pray for the care of creation with people around the world. 


Legends of the Light Shine

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 5 and 6 of this term is ‘Respect’. I am valued, respected and cared for and I value, respect and care for others is one of our School Rules for Living. Showing respect is an important part of building positive and healthy relationships with one another. This month's School TV has lots of information about building respectful relationships that you may find useful.


Here are some photos from our Legends of the Light Shine Courage focus earlier this term. Thanks Miss Rasche for your creative idea.

School Rules For Living

This term we have made slight adjustments to the wording of our school rules to align them with the Armidale Diocesan ‘Living Well Learning Well’ Framework used in Catholic Schools across the Diocese of Armidale. The Living Well Learning Well Framework has its foundations in the Catholic Social Teaching of the dignity of the human person and is based on a universal and unconditional positive regard for children and young people, and a high regard for the collective capacity of a school staff team to increase learning, wellbeing and life-opportunity outcomes for children and young people. Rules for Living are an important part of this framework and we encourage all parents and carers to discuss these with your child/children at home.


This month on SchoolTV - Respectful Relationships

Fostering a nurturing environment of respectful relationships within your family holds the key to not only harmonious living, but also improved academic outcomes for your children. As parents and caregivers, embracing the art of teaching children about respect at a young age sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy interactions and empathetic understanding. It will help cultivate a positive environment where communication flourishes, conflicts are resolved constructively, and bonds are fortified.


Teaching children to respect themselves and others will open up avenues for both personal growth and academic achievement. Fostering an environment where respect is not just a word, but a practiced behaviour, will empower young people with essential life skills. Effective communication, active listening, and the art of compromise, will provide your child with a solid foundation that will transcend family interactions and help them collaborate effectively with peers, teachers and the broader community.


Equipping children with an understanding of healthy versus unhealthy relationships is an important aspect of their development. It will guide them to make informed choices, foster positive connections, and set boundaries that contribute to their emotional wellbeing. Understanding the nuances between healthy and unhealthy relationships provides children with the essential tools to navigate their social world, build self-esteem, and cultivate meaningful relationships.


In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how to empower young people in healthy interactions to embrace differences and forge connections that honour their self-worth. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.


If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to this month's edition:  https://stmichaelsmanilla.catholic.schooltv.me/newsletter/respectful-relationships


“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission