Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

It's time to dust off those hats!  From tomorrow, all students are expected to wear a school hat, when outside.


This week we celebrated Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week.  On behalf of all the students and staff, I would like to give a shout out to Angela, Ana, Ash, Bronwyn, Deirdre, Emelia, Mary, Megan, Michelle, Misa and Nathan for the incredible support they provide to our students every day.  


Today, we welcomed back those students who attended Somers Camp.  It is great to hear how students enjoyed making new friends with students around the region, as well as participating in a wide range of activities, including looking after the family of Guinea Pigs!  Other highlights included the Flying Fox, the Challenge Swing and orienteering.  We look forward to sharing more of their experiences in our next newsletter.


We are seeking Expressions of Interest from appropriately qualified individuals to work in our OSHC service.  If you have either a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, or a Cert 3 or 4 in Early Childhood Education and Care, please send your CV to  Applications close 22 September, 2023.  Further information can be found in the community notices.


Congratulations to Neige on her achievement at the recent inter-schools for skiing.  Under challenging conditions, she placed 4th and 6th in her two finals.

Can you help? Mount Beauty Little Aths currently has no committee and urgently needs new members.  If you can help out, please email









We are also seeking volunteers to assist with our next West Peak Raffle on Friday 15th September.  We hope that you can join us from 5:30pm to celebrate the last day of term and support the Spookie Ukies first busking session.  If you are able to assist with selling tickets on the night, please contact the office.



A reminder to families to please take the opportunity to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey. While the survey is optional, your voice is important and we encourage all families to participate.  To access the survey, please click on link and access pin that was sent to you via Compass.  


On Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 6:30pm to 8pm, a free online parent session; Strengthening Children and Teens Against Anxiety will be held.  Places are limited and the session will not be recorded.  For more information and to register, please head to:


Due to ongoing concerns for student safety, families are asked to please use Tennis Court Avenue for school drop offs and pick ups.   The staff carpark should not be used at these times.