Grade 5

Sarah Sussman & Jasmine Munzel

Year 5 Newsletter Update - August


Maths - Multiplication and Division

In Maths we learnt the lattice method in a small group and across the classes.

It was very interesting, and I learnt something I never thought I would learn how to do - multiply two digits by one digit!

Here is a photo of the lattice method anchor chart and of me doing some multiplication with Mrs Munzel in a small group.

By Kyla B

Reading - Persuasive Texts

For reading, our grade has been looking at some of these activities.

Our class has been looking at persuasive artworks by Gregg Segal and El Anatsui, they are artists that work with rubbish. They work with garbage so they can prove the point of how much rubbish we throw out. Below you will see the anchor charts that grade 5 has made and what we have said about Gregg Segal and El Anatsui, and their artworks.


Grade 5 has also been looking at persuasive posters. We came together and spoke about these posters, we had a lot to say.

By Ivy H


Inquiry - Natural Disasters

This term in Inquiry we have been learning about Natural Disasters. We have been working hard to create dioramas and speeches ready to present to our grades. There was a range of different disasters that were picked including volcanoes, bush fires, cyclones, floods and more. Throughout this unit we have learnt about the causes and the effects of natural disasters, how they occur, what we can do to limit damages and plenty of famous disasters. Here are 3 dioramas, that have been picked as great examples of our work.

Cyclone Tracy - Henry T
Black Saturday - Macalah M
2004 Indian Tsunami - Wolf C
Cyclone Tracy - Henry T
Black Saturday - Macalah M
2004 Indian Tsunami - Wolf C

By Milly M


Maths Day

Hi, I am Fintan K, and I have chosen to do a news report on Maths Day. It’s an outstanding experience for students to enjoy, while also being educational. It was run by Andrew Lorimer-Derham, who is the creator of a

maths website called thinksquare and he was an awesome teacher to all of us. I had a great time playing maths games all day with my friends. I really enjoyed it and I would recommend to everyone. 

One of the maths games I really liked was called the money-box challenge, where we had to fit as many shapes inside a wooden box as possible. It was hard, because some shapes were really big and hard to squeeze into the square. The more shapes you fit into the square, the more points you get. The team who gets the most points at the end wins awesome prizes like cool hats and stuff. My team didn’t win anything, but that’s okay, because we had a good time anyway.

By Fintan K


Writing - Writing to Persuade

In Writing this term, we have been doing our persuasive texts. First, we did our choice persuasive which took us a long time to complete - we had to work very hard. Many of the topics were about helping our planet or personal interests, but we have to tell you about Willem. He made a persuasive letter to Nintendo about making eye gazer games for Nintendo, because he isn't able to use his hands to play. Nintendo replied on a phone call and are probably on it now! After that piece, we did a different type of persuasive writing about our own product that we can sell to our teacher (aka the sharks). We got inspired by a tv show called Shark Tank, where they sell products that they have made up. We have to make a pitch and a describing passage. 

There were some great ideas and here are a few:

  • George is making an app that tells you where to go for a holiday. You just input a few things that you want to do on your holiday then boom! a whole list comes up of where you should go! 
  • Next Ivy made a shoe store, the shoes are custom kicks, they are comfortable and durable for any size.
  • Finally, Izzy made a custom board game where you can customise the name, cards, characters and the board! Now you’ll be free from boredom forever! 

So, writing has been an experience to remember.

Willem F's letter to Nintendo


By Mala H and Eve M-D