Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers


Yesterday morning, at our morning briefing, I told the children that last Friday was one of my all time best days in any school. 

As you will recall we welcomed 16 students and 4 adults from the Yarralin school in the Northern Territory to Sacred Heart.

Parents, your children were amazing.

The genuine and sensitive welcome that they offered to these visitors was beautiful to watch. 


The Yarralin children were, at first, very shy but many of them were prepared to read, in English, in front of the 450+ people at assembly to tell and show us something of their community and their school. Damien, their teacher, explained to me later that English is these children’s 3rd or 4th language so it was a very brave effort.

Our senior students took small groups of the Yarralin community for a tour of our school but what everyone really wanted to do was play.

After recess the children completed a number of different games, physical challenges and some art work as well, as the children all got to know and like each other. 

We enjoyed some kangaroo and beef stew for lunch before it was time to play again. I was on duty on the oval and the football game that was played was a barefoot affair, with our students following the lead of their Yarralin mates, and a lot of fun was had by all.

After lunch the children took part in the Colour Run and enjoyed this experience immensely, leaving all the kids covered in all colours from head to toe.

It was a bit of a struggle to bring the day to a close in time to send the kids home by 3:15pm.

Once our students had gone and while the Yarralin mob waited for their bus we took a few photos and one young boy insisted on my attention as he wanted to tell me something very important. “Mr Jack” he said “please tell all of the kids in your school that I love them.” ….

I took great pleasure in passing that important message on first thing yesterday morning.


FATHER’S DAY STALL Thank you very much to Erica Gleeson and her team for the hard work that went into organising last week’s Father’s Day Stall. I hope our Dad’s felt very spoilt and very loved.

My present this year is pretty hard to beat however... my daughter Ellen and her fiancé Nathan had a new son, Archie.  Very happy and proud Grandpa.


LIVING WITH PRIMARY AGED CHILDREN Just reminder that our Wellbeing Leader, Julie, has organised for Catholic Care to offer a Parenting Support program here at school next week. We are prepared to offer 2 sessions depending upon the level of interest, one from 1:15 - 3:15 and then the same session from 6:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m.

Parents who are interested need to let us know through the Connect Survey available on PAM.


END OF TERM THREE Parents should please note that Term 3 will conclude NEXT Friday, September 15th at 2:30 p.m. (I know I can’t believe it either!)


END OF YEAR DATES I have had a few enquiries from parents about dates recently, particularly about the end of the school year.

I can confirm that the last day for students this year will be Friday December 15th. This will be consistent with all other Catholic schools in the Ballarat Diocese.

School will also be closed on Monday November 6th (Report Writing) and on Tuesday November 7th (Public Holiday).


Jack Lenaghan - Principal